I hurt my back at work and want to keep from getting hurt again. Will a back support help?
It seems to make sense that a back brace or support should help prevent or reduce low back injuries. But studies consistently report no difference in rates of injury or reinjury between workers who do or don't use a back support.
It turns out that one of the biggest risk factors for low back pain (LBP) is a low level of physical (not mental) health. Current best advice today is to maintain a regular routine of physical activity and exercise.
When returning to the job after an injury, take time to review the training manual for job tasks. Based on research results of recurrent back injuries, this is good advice whether you are returning to your old job or starting a new task.
Denise Oleske, PhD, et al. Risk Factors for Recurrent Episodes of Work-Related Low Back Pain Disorders in an Industrial Population. In Spine. April 1, 2006. Vol. 31. No. 7. Pp. 789-798.